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香港24年1月16日龍氏正骨培訓班(Long's Orthopedic T


香港—2024年1月16日《龍氏正骨培訓班》(Long's Orthopedic Training Course)























































  Long's Orthopedic Training Course


  Spinal Etiology and Therapy"was founded by renowned orthopedic experts Wei Zheng and Professor Long Jianhua in China after half a century of basic and clinical research.It is an emerging discipline that studies the dysfunction of the spine,peripheral nerves,blood vessels,and autonomic nerves caused by spinal instability and dislocation,leading to a series of clinical symptoms.


  Long's Orthopedic Massage is based on spinal anatomy,biomechanics,and the theory of spinal etiology.It uses a unique"three-step localization diagnosis method"and a"four step ten method"to correct spinal dislocation.It has the characteristics of scientific rigor,accurate positioning,and painless safety.It is a special treatment method for spinal diseases that not only treats symptoms but also causes symptoms.It is designated by the Ministry of Health and the Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine as a"National Suitable Promotion Technology Project"and a"Ten Year and One Hundred Key Promotion Projects".The book"Spinal Etiology and Treatment"written by Professor Wei Zheng,Professor Long Jiehua,and others is the groundbreaking work of spinal etiology in China.After being published by the Hong Kong Commercial Press in 1987,it has been reprinted four times and still in short supply.Spinal Etiology Therapy has also been included in undergraduate courses by multiple medical schools.Internationally,tens of thousands of medical colleagues from around the world have widely applied Longshi spinal therapy in clinical practice,with precise therapeutic effects on various diseases such as cervical spine,low back pain,lumbar hyperplasia,lumbar disc herniation,lumbar muscle strain,acute and chronic lumbar sprains.This set of techniques can be used to treat diseases caused by spinal causes based on differentiation of symptoms and signs.Its characteristics are stable,accurate,lightweight,painless,safe,and effective.It has become a key scientific research topic and achievement promotion and application of the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine.


  1、Speaker Expert:


  Professor Wei Zheng and Professor Long Jiehua are graduate students,designated successors,and have been engaged in the study of Long's orthopedics for over 40 years.In the early 1970s,the General Hospital of the Guangzhou Military Region established a research group on spinal diseases,with Professor Wei Zheng and Professor Long Jiehua as the core,and Wang Yougang,Zhang Dexin,Fu Shifa,and Duan Junfeng as members.They formed a 6-person research group and have been engaged in spinal disease research since then;Chief physician,professor,graduate supervisor,director of the Rehabilitation Medicine Department of Guangzhou Military Region General Hospital,and director of the Institute of Spinal Related Diseases;Editor in Chief of the Second Edition of"Vertebral Etiology and Therapy",Supervisor of Shanghai Acupuncture and Push Injury High Level Talent Class;Vice Chairman of the Chinese Society for External Treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Vice Chairman of the Chinese Society for Acupuncture Microsurgery,and Executive Director of the Chinese Society for Soft Tissue Pain Research.Vice Chairman of the Military Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy Society,Chairman of the Military Neck,Shoulder,Lumbar and Leg Pain Professional Committee,Consultant of the People's Liberation Army Massage and Physiotherapy Center,and Chairman of the Guangzhou Military Region Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy Professional Committee.Vice Chairman of Guangdong Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Society,Executive Director of Guangdong Rehabilitation Society,and Vice Chairman of Guangzhou Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Society.Vice editor in chief of the Chinese Journal of Spinal Medicine,editorial board member of the Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation,Neck and Lumbar Pain,Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine,and Chinese Journal of Medical Theory and Practice.


  Professor Duan Junfeng graduated from the First Military Medical University and Beijing Medical University.In the early 1970s,he worked with Professor Wei Zheng and Professor Long Jiehua on the research and clinical practice of"Long's Orthopedic Massage and Reduction Technique for Vertebral Etiology"for over 40 years.I have undertaken a key project of the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and pioneered a unique"microsurgery"(microneedle intervention)treatment method,specializing in the treatment of various difficult neck,shoulder,waist,and leg pain diseases such as various types of cervical spondylosis,cervical vertigo,neck headache,stubborn periarthritis of the shoulder,tennis elbow,narrow tenosynovitis,myofascitis,lumbar muscle strain,lumbar disc herniation,sciatica,proliferative osteoarthritis,and heel pain Bone and joint injuries,soft tissue injuries,ankylosing spondylitis,etc.do not require surgery,and the therapeutic effect reaches the international advanced level,curing a large number of patients from around the world.


  Teaching assistant:Teacher Chen


  2、Teaching content:


  Introduction to Spinal Related Diseases


  Applied anatomy and physiological basis of spinal diseases;


  The etiology and pathogenesis of spinal diseases;


  Progress in the diagnosis and treatment of spinal diseases;


  Three step localization and diagnosis:


  Long's Four Steps and Ten Techniques for Bone Setting;


  Cervical spondylosis syndrome(bone setting 10 method)


  Lumbar Syndrome(Bone Setting 10 Method)


  Thoracic Vertebral Syndrome(Bone Setting Method 5)


  Pelvic rotation syndrome(bone setting method 10)


  3、Lecture mode:


  1.Professor Duan Junfeng personally taught hand in hand and practiced techniques in pairs.


  2.1 day of theory,4 days of on-site practice and technique practice,and hands-on teaching.


  3.Submit one one inch color photo without a hat when reporting,and issue a certificate of completion upon passing the assessment.


  4.According to relevant national laws and protection of personal privacy,video recording is not allowed during the study period.






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